Did you know it has a name? It is called Keratosis Pilaris(KP), also known as chicken skin.
These bumps on the skin makes the back of your arms and your legs feel rough to the touch. I know it doesn't make you feel very appealing especially if someone else is caressing your skin. You get your make up on, your all dressed and looking great, and there they are, chicken bumps. You want your skin to feel beautiful, clean and touchable.
What is Keratosis Pilaris(KP)
Anyone can get Keratosis Pilaris(KP). My daughter has been bothered with these bumps on her arms and legs since she was about 7 years old. Although it is commonly a skin condition of children and adolescents, many adults have this problem with KP. It is estimated to affect between 50%-80% of all adolescents and approximately 40% of adults. Women seem to be more affected by it than men.
This skin condition is benign, it is not contagious. This chicken skin condition tends to be mild. KP frequently improves with age with some, Many people notice improvement of their skin bumps in the summer months and seasonal flares in colder winter months.
Typically, your bumpy skin is a scattered, patchy rash made of very small red or tan bumps. Often, 10-100 very small slightly rough bumps are scattered on the skin area. The affected area may have a fine, sandpaper-like texture, you will notice some of the bumps may be slightly red.
What Causes These Bumps On The Skin
Although the exact cause of KP is unknown. There seems to be a problem with overproduction of the keratin part of the skin, and it's called hyperkeratinization. The bumps seem to rise from the excessive accumulation of keratin (very small, dry skin particles) at the opening of individual hair follicles.
With skin bumps treatment needs to be continuous. Since there is no available cure. Frequent skin lubrication is the mainstay of treatment for nearly all cases. Best results may be achieved with combination therapy using topical products and physical treatments like gentle exfoliation, professional manual extraction of whiteheads, facials, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels.
Mild cases of KP may be improved with basic over-the-counter moisturizers such as Cetaphil or Lubriderm lotions. Additional available therapeutic options for more difficult cases of KP include lactic-acid lotions (AmLactin, Lac-Hydrin), alpha-hydroxy-acid lotions (Glytone, glycolic body lotions), urea cream (Carmol 10, Carmol 20, Carmol 40, Urix 40), salicylic acid (Salex lotion), and topical steroid creams (triamcinolone 0.1%, Locoid Lipocream), retinoic-acid products like Retin-A, Tazorac, and adapalene (Differin).
There are also specially mixed "designer" combination, all-in-one prescription creams with multiple ingredients such as tretinoin 0.1%, hydroquinone 6%, and fluocinonide 0.05%. Another specially compounded combination prescription cream is a preparation of 2%-3% salicylic acid in 20% urea cream. These creams applied once or twice a day help to decrease the residual dry rough bumps.
Even though there is no known cure for this, you can keep it under control by continually exfoliating excess Keratin in the skin that can build up and form those unsightly bumps. There is a product that offers a two step kit for easy use as often as everyday. There is a body wash with a pouf included to cleanse and exfoliate. Then you just follow with the body lotion to smooth out the roughness to keep you skin bumps(Keratosis Pilaris)in check.
Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin condition characterized by small, red bumps primarily on the back and upper arms. The Glytone KP Kit
Kit Includes: Exfoliating Body Wash, 6.7oz This glycolic acid cleanser helps to cleanse and exfoliate dry, rough skin in the shower. Body Lotion, 8.4oz This powerful glycolic acid lotion helps to visibly reduce rough, uneven skin for renewed smoothness.
Shower Pouf Directions For Use: Squeeze a small amount (1-2 teaspoons) of Exfoliating Body Wash onto the pouf and massage over the entire body, working into a rich lather. Rinse thoroughly. Gently massage Body Lotion onto arms, legs, and other parts of your body that require special attention. For best results, use the lotion immediately after shower or bath. Use as often as desired. International Customers -
Glytone Products
Skin Bumps - Keratosis Pilaris(KP) - Feel Good Beauty!